First scratch in 2014

Hi all, oops,, actually welcome Merita Pahlevi. Welcome to this world after a long long long time. Nice to see you again..:D

First of all, i would like to say, here we go. Spill your grumble here (what kind of idiom is it..?:p)

Actually i want to continue to share my stuff in Hong Kong, but now I can’t remember appropriately about the plot.

As I recall, after went to Avenue of Star that day, we went to Victoria Peak, back to hotel. Next day, we went to Macau by ferry, Rodlwan lost his passport, the boys accompanied him in macau until next day, and we, the girls, back to Hong Kong.

Guess what? We have the precious moment in our last day in Hong Kong. The girls become the betrayer. Hahahaha..  As I said before, Rodlwan lost his passport in Macau, the boys helped him. as a good friend, the girls back to Hong Kong with plan. We went to Consulate General of Indonesia in Hong Kong to ask for help for rodlwan case (lossing his passport). After all chit chat with the officer there, we found the solution. Case close, should be… But it still half day before we went home, so crafty thought was risen. Hihihihi. As our itinerary, our  last day in Hong Kong will spend in Ngong Ping Village and Giant Budha located in Lantau Island.   The initerary must be applied soon.

Who have  the idea? Of course me, I dont want waste my time there. My first chance…

Okey, after all the mission was done, and our secret was concealed. We went home with joy. Sorry Rodlwan and Dimas, we wish you both live well in Macau after the Day you home. 🙂

That is the end of our Journey in 2014. N now, lets talk about what happened in 2014.

Yah, the biggest moment in my life was happened. Finally I found him, someone… Someone promising to me to love me , together in thick and thin. I am sure that he can be a good husband for me and a lovely dad for my children in the future. Insya Allah. Lucky me…:*

Another moment, At the end, my younger brother graduated. He got his Bachelor Degree from University of Bengkulu Congrats boy. We proud of You.

To this end of my first scratch, I’m glad to say that appreciate all the moment in life, because it only happens once.

Thanks for reading 🙂

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